Turkey is a wonderful country with amazing coastlines, historical places, and lively cultures. This Mediterranean country has been a favorite for travelers because it offers so much. Many tourists visit this wonderful place to enjoy the delicious food, learn about the local way of life, and see famous attractions like the Blue Mosque and the Spice Market. If you are planning a trip to Turkey, here are some interesting facts about Turkey you should know. Turkey is located in both Europe and Asia, and it has a rich history with many ancient sites. The country is known for its friendly people and vibrant markets. Enjoy your journey to Turkey with our exclusive Turkey tour packages from Dubai, Call +971-4256-2434 and book now.

Here are interesting facts about Turkey

Turkey Connects Europe and Asia

Turkey fun fact, it is located where Europe and Asia meet. Because of this, you will see many Eastern and Western influences in its heritage, architecture, food, and traditions. Today, Turkey is important in global trade and is a major hub for air travel, connecting both continents.

Make sure you don’t wear a Fez

Avoid wearing a Fez in Turkey. The Fez is a red hat with historical and cultural significance. It was used to show loyalty to the Ottoman sultan and Islamic traditions. In the early 20th century, wearing the Fez was banned as Turkey moved towards Western-style clothing. Although it is rarely worn today, the Fez is still a symbol of Turkey’s rich Ottoman heritage and is sometimes used in ceremonies or performances.

30 languages are spoken across Turkey

Turkey is a diverse country with 30 languages spoken, including Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic, Zaza, Azerbaijani, Laz, Georgian, Armenian, Greek, Serbian, and Modern Hebrew. These languages reflect the country’s diverse cultural and linguistic heritage.

Home of Kebabs

Turkey is known as the home of kebabs, a delicious dish often served with salad, bread, or rice. There are many types of kebabs with different flavors and cooking methods. They are often made for celebrations and family gatherings. Popular types include Adana kebab and Doner kebab. Today, people all over the world enjoy Turkish kebabs.

10 Interesting Facts about Turkey

Turks Say Goodbye with a Bucket of Water

In Turkey, there is a tradition called “saying goodbye with water” or “su dökme” in Turkish. This is common in rural areas and small towns. When someone is leaving after visiting, especially if they have traveled far, the host may pour a bucket or jug of water at the door. This act is meant to cleanse the visitor’s journey and wish them a safe return home.

The Story of Santa Claus Originated in Turkey

Santa Claus has roots in Turkey. He is based on Saint Nicholas, who was born in Patara around 270 AD and became the Bishop of Myra, which is also in modern-day Turkey. The custom of hanging stockings by the fireplace for Santa Claus to fill on Christmas Eve comes from his gift-giving tradition. His story became popular in Europe and later in America, partly due to the Dutch tradition of Sinterklaas.

10 Interesting Facts about Turkey

Turkey is One of the Oldest Wine Countries

Turkey is one of the oldest countries in the world that makes wine. It has been making wine for thousands of years. The country has a variety of climates and landscapes that are perfect for growing grapes. This allows many different types of grapes to grow. In ancient times, civilizations like the Hittites, Phrygians, Greeks, and Romans made wine in Turkey. Today, Turkish wines are made from both local and foreign grapes. This makes Turkey a popular place for wine lovers to visit.

10 Interesting Facts about Turkey

There are 85,000 Mosques in Turkey

Did you know this turkey fun fact that there are about 85,000 mosques in Turkey? This large number shows the country’s rich Islamic history and diverse culture. The mosques come in different sizes and styles. Some are very old and have historical importance, while others are new and have a modern design. Each mosque has its unique architecture and story.

10 Interesting Facts about Turkey

You Can Find Two of the Seven Wonders of the World in Turkey

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus: This was located near the modern town of Selçuk in Turkey. It was dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis. The temple was rebuilt several times over the centuries. Today, only a few ruins are left at the site, but it is still an important historical place.

10 Interesting Facts about Turkey

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus: This was a tomb built for Mausolus, a ruler of Caria, and his wife Artemisia. It was located in the city of Halicarnassus, which is now Bodrum in Turkey. The mausoleum was famous for its size and beautiful decorations. Although it was destroyed by earthquakes, its remains can still be seen today.

10 Interesting Facts about Turkey

Also Read: Turkey Travel Guide

The Turkish cuisine is famous for its kebabs, seafood, and sweet desserts. The Blue Mosque in Istanbul is famous for its beautiful blue tiles, and the Grand Bazaar is one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world. When planning your trip, make sure to check out some of the best tours to Turkey to make the most of your visit. Call +971-4256-2434 and book your Turkey tour packages with us.